Every Dream Matters
Where do you want to be?

It’s not about how much money you have. It’s about dreams, plans and believing you can get there.

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Financial Guidance

Where you are seen and valued

“I started a tech firm when I was in my 20’s,” WealthStone co-founder Greg Shaw recalls. “Once I’d made a bit of money, I wanted to make it work harder for me, so I went looking for financial services that could guide and empower me. That’s not what I found. Rather than support and enthusiasm, I experienced rejection and shame. No one wanted to work with me unless I had at least $250K. I didn’t understand it. I knew that I was a good bet, but despite my success and drive, I couldn’t get anyone willing to be in my corner.”

This experience motivated Greg to choose a new path to become a very different kind of financial advisor. The kind that sees and values people, not bank balances. His philosophy of kindness, equity and empathy is the foundation of an approach that has empowered hundreds of people from every walk of life that have worked with Greg to achieve their financial goals. You could be next.

Your Vision

Strategy makes it possible

Every life is unique—with different milestones, life-stages, and hopes for the future.

Transforming your dreams into reality comes down to strategy. No matter what you’re starting with or where you want to go, it all begins by envisioning what you dream of.

From there, we can help you:

  • make a financial strategy
  • support you as you work the strategy
  • applaud you as you live your “dream come true” reality
What We Do

Dreams become reality

When working with you to help make your dreams a reality, we do much more than generate a generic financial strategy. We start at the beginning, with genuine conversations about what’s happening for you today as well as the vision you have for your future.

From there, we chart a course of possibility, with fresh perspectives that respect your big picture. Our strategies can include everything from ways to accelerate your savings, investments and minimizing tax payments to protecting you with smart insurance products.








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